So, I have been told about a few dozen times that I should write an autobiography. I do not have the patience or any clue where to start so I decided to write "short stories" of my everyday life adventures from the last 30 something years.........
I'll start with the oldest I can remember.....not that they will all go in chronological order but here goes....... Part One of "Funny now, not so funny then....."
Once when I was like 8 or 9 I was standing in our old farmhouse bathroom filling a water jug with water. This was a normal chore on the farm because it was how we helped our parents water our animals. Crystal was standing next to me supervising (she did this often, ha ha) as I lifted the gallon jug out of the sink and turned to walk out of the door and fell to the floor. Crystal scrambled for the jug, I scrambled to stand up only to realize that I was about 3 inches shorter on the right side. I looked down and gasp in horror as I realized my foot had broken off and now laid across the kitchen floor (which by the way was a good 12 feet away!). I started crying and yelling "My foot fell off! My foot fell off!" as Crystal started to laugh hysterically.
She laughed so hard I thought she was going to pass out as
I'm crying trying to get her to find our Mom. Needless to say we made a special trip into town to the hardware store for a long bolt to re-apply my severed body part. I wish I would have had a camera to capture the look on the clerks face! Ha! "Yes, I was wondering if you had a bolt about this size?" "oh thank you, its to bolt on my daughters foot"...... and then naturally his eyes looked down to find me standing there footless as he quietly took my moms payment. I don't think I talked to Crystal for a good couple hours! (anyone that knows me, knows that amount of time might as well have been a week). And that is my first great case of "funny now, not so funny then"! ;)
Maybe its a case of "had to be there" but none the less, Crystal will think this is quite entertaining! :)